The gift of Friendship

Life is so busy. There is so much to do and it never seems to end. So, a few hours to share coffee and quiet conversation with a close friend is a treasure, a special gift.

Today’s world focuses on instant happiness and the latest BFF. Deep and lasting friendships are the result of time and commitment. Friends take the opportunity to share burdens and joys, to laugh at the absurdities of life, to expose the love that binds true friends.

Sadly, true friendships are exceedingly rare. Self idealization prevents the connections necessary to build lasting relationships. Fear of exposing the “real me” handicaps every relationship. Trust, commitment and time are necessary to build deep and lasting friendships.

We are told in John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” What are you willing to give for your friend? Your life? Your time? Does the love of a dear friend out weigh the cost?

When you learn the value of a beloved friend you will guard it ferociously. You will understand the gift that God has given to you, the picture He is painting of His great love for us. You will cherish the moments for the gems they are. The special treasure that is friendship.

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